South Anchorage Urgent Care Centers Treat Common Ice Hockey Injuries

Ice hockey is in season once again, a time that many Alaskans look forward to. While not as popular in America as football or baseball, ice hockey—professional or amateur—offers players a load of physical benefits, as the staff explains:

Ice Hockey

Ice hockey is the ultimate in interval training. The sport uses ‘lines’ of players, meaning you and your line of team-mates take to the ice for only a minute or so at a time before switching with fresher sets of legs, in a series of rolling substitutions.

That means you can give everything for 60 seconds, then take a breather ready to go again. Even at lower levels of the sport, you can expect to burn around 500 calories an hour in a game, with an elevated heart rate throughout.

To become successful in hockey you’ll learn to skate quickly, developing upper-body strength and balance. And while ice hockey can be dangerous, players are equipped with considerable levels of protective padding and helmets.

Unfortunately, even with the appropriate protective wear, there remains the possibility of players getting injured. In fact, a study by ESPN showed that ice hockey players are tougher than football or soccer players if one considers the skills that the sport demands, and the injury risks that the players face in every game. Below are some of the common injuries players suffer, which South Anchorage urgent care doctors can help treat:

Cuts and scrapes

Position players are prone to falling or slipping on the ice. When they come in contact with the razor-sharp blades of other players’ skates, they are likely to suffer cuts and scrapes. Stitching isn’t normally required for minor cuts, such as those with minimal bleeding. However, it’s essential for players to head to urgent care centers in South Anchorage and seek treatment if the wounded area starts to feel numb or bleeds excessively, or if they haven’t had a tetanus shot in the last five years.

Wrist and Hand Injuries

Players are bound to experience finger or wrist numbness, especially considering the cold temperatures they are subjected to for every game. Overuse and repetitive stress are two of the most common culprits behind wrist and hand injuries. Heat compression may help lessen the pain associated with such injuries. If players still have the symptoms, even after heat therapy, an X-ray may be necessary to check for any broken bones or muscle tears.

Ice hockey offers plenty of physical benefits to players, but the sport also comes with challenges, some of which can lead to injuries. Fortunately, players can rely on trusted urgent care physicians like the ones from Primary Care Associates. Urgent care doctors can advise players on how to prevent future injuries during their games or training.

(Source: Get Inspired: How to get into Ice Hockey,, July 19, 2013)

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